K Inferno Week

Inferno Week - the highlight of the Kandahar Ski Club’s racing calendar - takes place each January in Mürren, Switzerland, and comprises a plethora of events, both sporting and social.
In terms of competition, the week begins with friendly and relaxed Club races: the Kandahar Slalom, Kandahar Giant Slalom and a fun Team Parallel race. The Inferno Combination begins on Wednesday with the Inferno Langlauf followed, on Thursday, by the Inferno GS. The week culminates on Saturday with the famous Inferno Downhill.
This competition programme is interspersed with numerous Club social activities including fondue-tobogganing, curling and drinks parties, not to mention the infamous Inferno After-Party.

Kandahar members enjoy an unforgettable week, dipping in and out of a busy sporting and social programme in the uniquely charming village of Mürren with its breath-taking views of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau mountains. The buzz in the village reaches its crescendo at the end of the week when the 200 Kandahar members are joined by an international field of 1,850 competitors to take part in the Inferno.