Centenary Book Purchase
09:33 01-08-2025 | Multiple prices
Kandahar Centenary 2024
Buy the book of the Century
Follow the story of British ski racing and the Kandahar brand as it unfolds from the dawn of Alpine racing in pre-WW1 Switzerland, through its Golden Age in Mürren to the catsuits and helmets of the modern age. With profiles of the Kandahar’s colourful characters and great champions past and present, our centenary book is a stylish production, written by the Kandahar Review’s editor Adam Ruck and illustrated with photos from the Club’s precious scrapbooks. A splendid tribute to the world’s senior ski racing club and its Swiss hosts in Mürren.
Buy your copy today!
You will receive an email confirming receipt of your order - do not be confused by the date contained within that email - this is just a quirk of our booking system..... Books will be dispatched as soon as possible after your order has been received. Please include your delivery address within the order. Note there is a different price for delivery to UK (GBP 45) vs. Europe (GBP 50) addresses. For International delivery please contact hon.sec@kanadahar.org.uk
Copies will also be available to collect from Mürren clubhouse for our local Swiss residents this winter. This is priced at CHF 50 - please make payment directly to our Swiss Bank Account, making sure to add your name as a reference: Kandahar Ski Club, Berner Kantonalbank AG, IBAN: CH70 0079 0042 3321 9665 2, SWIFT Address (BIC) : KBBECH22